Marcos Lutyens, Geodes project, 2023. VR Social Geode. Courtesy of the artist and Alberta Pane gallery (Paris, Venezia)
Marcos Lutyens
Through a VR experience, Geodes projects visitors into an altered state of consciousness around mysterious objects and connects them with their inner selves in ways never before explored.
Marcos Lutyens, Geodes project, 2023. VR Social Geode. Courtesy of the artist and Alberta Pane gallery (Paris, Venezia)
Marcos Lutyens, Geodes project, 2023. VR Social Geode. Courtesy of the artist and Alberta Pane gallery (Paris, Venezia)
Marcos Lutyens, Geodes project, 2023. Sketch. Courtesy of the artist and Alberta Pane gallery (Paris, Venezia)
Project Description
Geodes project by Marcos Lutyens allows us to connect with our inner selvesin ways that may not have been possible before and give meaning to a profound VR experience that incorporates playfulness with aspects of therapy, lucid dreaming and the unconscious, all in the context of art. The word Geode comes from the ancient Greek γεώδης (geṓdēs) meaning "earthlike". Geodes are fascinating natural wonders that can be found in various parts of the world. From the outside, they may look like ordinary rocks, but when they are opened up, they reveal beautiful crystal formations inside. They hide inner worlds that are only accessible once they are cracked open. This concept of hidden inner worlds can be extended to virtual reality as an internalized experience, as virtual reality provides a simulated environment that allows us to enter a new world, hidden from our physical reality. Visitors entering the OGR space will have the opportunity of an interconnected analogue and virtual experience, as Geodes projects them into an altered state of consciousness around mysterious objects relating to four archetypes: internal, sensory, social, and environmental. A visitor, who goes into the Duomo space, finds 4 intricate and beautiful porcelain sculptures that seem strangely formed through nature. The 4 sculptures are placed on one pedestal each and each one is a different color: Blue/Inductive, Red/Sensory, Yellow/Social, Green/Environmental. The visitor then goes to the center of the space and puts on the VR headset. The visitor intuitively navigates to find the four Geodes which have now become giant entities, accompanied by a hypnotic and very immersive voice-over and moving as if in a trance-like state which is induced by VR as an altered state of consciousness. Once the visitor reaches the proximity of a geode, the form slowly rotates, releasing immersive synesthetic soundscapes relating to its color-theme. When the visitor takes off the VR mask and takes a look at porcelain sculptures in the Duomo, these forms seem to have transformed into something completely different: the VR experience has changed the visitor’s perception of reality and what lies hidden inside art objects, which are revealed in fact to be magical power objects. This work can also be visited remotely through a computer or smartphone. An NFT is minted derived from the VR creation.
About the artist
Marcos Lutyens (London, 1964) lives and works in Los Angeles. His artistic practice targets the psychic and emotional well-being of his audiences by skillfully leading participants in hypnotic exercises that affect the deepest levels of their psyche. His works take form in installations, sculptures, drawings, short films, writings and performances. In his explorations of consciousness, Lutyens has collaborated with celebrated neuro-scientists V. Ramachandran and Richard Cytowic, as much as studying under shamans from different cultures. From these investigations and research, he has worked with visitors unconscious states in museums, galleries and biennales around the world. Marcos Lutyens is a widely exhibiting artist of prestigious international standing. He has exhibited in and created performances for: dOCUMENTA (13), Guggenheim New York, Centre Pompidou, Istanbul Biennale, CultureSummit Abu Dhabi with Guggenheim, Venice Biennale, Fortuny museum, PS1, MoCA, LACMA, Royal Academy of Arts, La Monnaie de Paris, among others.
A project by
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