R M, Double out, 2023, Preparatory drawings for METAmorphosis/OGR Award, Courtesy the Artist and Martina Simeti, Milano
Double out
Irl: a flashing neon of a putto holding an arrow with their feet. The flashing arrow/clock-hand flashes and becomes a syringe. On Spatial: a constant flux of arrows and syringes streaming in the Duomo.
R M, Double out, 2023, Preparatory drawings for METAmorphosis/OGR Award, Courtesy the Artist and Martina Simeti, Milano
R M, Double out, 2023, Preparatory drawings for METAmorphosis/OGR Award, Courtesy the Artist and Martina Simeti, Milano
R M, Double out, 2023, Preparatory drawings for METAmorphosis/OGR Award, Courtesy the Artist and Martina Simeti, Milano
R M, Double out, 2023, Preparatory drawings for METAmorphosis/OGR Award, Courtesy the Artist and Martina Simeti, Milano
Project Description
Double out 2023 - physical space For the physical space of OGR we propose the production of a flashing neon piece featuring one of the puttos we designed for our 2021 video piece Fuzzy Dice. The full piece is about 1,5/2mt long and shows the silhouette of a young cherub laying on their back, their face towards the sky, their arms stringing a bow too big for them and held by their feet. The solely flashing element of this otherwise static neon piece is the arrow. That luminous part alternatively blinks on and off, becoming either an oversized clock hand, or a medical syringe. The figure of the little putto is a leitmotiv that appeared before in our visual practice. Lastly appeared in the exhibition "postoristoro" at CCS in Paris, featured on the face of a stack of red trays. In that case too the putto was pointing a syringe. Puttos are mythical forever-young beings, often holding the power to make humans fall in love with each other thanks to their love-poisoned arrows. At the same time, they experience a spell themselves by being forever trapped in their pre-pubertal bodies, not allowed to grow up into teenagers, never to experience romantic love nor to discover an elder age. Usually puttos are depicted napping, dancing and playing, as if trying to picture in their mind how a break in their never-changing loop would feel like. Growing one day older, go figure. Their dance has no rhythm, as rhythm needs time - it is instead the longest pause between the musical notes of their ballad, and this rest is their strategy to cope with a forever childish status. Like a gigantic pop-up card, this putto will generate a playful reaction of lights and shadows within the room, while its translation for the metaverse will be more of a virtual constant animation representing a falling rain of darts and syringes. Double out 2023 - metaverse Inside the metaverse the piece will translate into a sort of atmospheric event, continuously happening in the upper part of the room. Here Double out will show a constant flux of monochrome clock hands, darts and syringes that will enter (or generate) from one of the upper windows of the Duomo then float and plunge into the opposite wall of the space in Spatial. Ideally, they would randomly change in intensity - like an umpredictable weather stormy at times, quiet otherwise. Also similar to Milky Way, or any galctic stream that the viewer can look at by pointing their gaze upward. When the avatar walks close to them, they can hear a dull noise produced by their plunging into something - after that they slowly sink into the building and vanish.
About the artist
R M (Geneva, 2015) is an artist duo working between Geneva and Berlin. Their visual practice investigates the local codes and the coping strategies generated around diseases and stigmas. Until 2022 they have been working under the moniker Real Madrid, reduced then to R M after facing legal confrontation with a corporation bearing the same name. Their work has been exhibited in private and public institutions like Swiss Institute (New York), Migros Museum (Zurich), Centre d’Art Contemporain (Genéve), Centre Culturelle Suisse (Paris), GAK (Bremen), Auto Italia South East (London). They received a Swiss Art Award in 2018 and were fellows in 2019/20 at the Istituto Svizzero in Rome.
A project by
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